TRIBUNNEWS.COM, BONE - Thousands of spectators who packed the Field Persibone, Watampone City, Bone, South Sulawesi hysterical when the Backstreet Boys concert opening.
The opening song that brought the band of six personnel was called love is killing me.
Spectators who had been crowded into the arena of live concerts and sing along late on Saturday (30/04/2011).
Backstreet Boys vocalist managed to make his fans, Masiver, hysterical with joy watching their actions during a concert at Watampone, Bone regency. Backstreet Boys were in Bone since Thursday (28/04/2011).
Action stage band Backstreet Boys singer was invited laughter while trying to imitate the sound of two guitar players guitar
Rabu, 07 September 2011
Traditional tari

Carnival Kingdom of Bone
carnival Kingdom
In the history of South Sulawesi, the Kingdom of Bone is a great empire, strong and respected in the past. The evidence contained in the greatness of ancient manuscripts called lontara and there was gathered in a book "Latoa" contains the rules governing institutions of government and civic life of the kingdom of Bone. In addition there are some signs of royal heritage that is still preserved and stored either at Home Position Regent Bone (former King's Palace Saoraja or Bone), as well as other ancient objects stored in the Museum Lapawawoi which is also the Saoraja (Palace of the King of Bone).
Royal Bone carnival is to demonstrate the existence of the past glory of the kingdom of Bone. Greatness of the Kingdom of Bone carnival consists of:
a. Laskar Group: 41 (forty one)
b. Indigenous groups: 108 (one hundred eight)
Greatness of the Kingdom of Bone carnival is supported by 149 participants. Actually in the Age of Empire troops each group numbered 40 people, and if it would be on display as well as in the days of the Kingdom then, Carnival will be supported by approximately 700 (seven hundred) people. What is shown in this Carnival is in conformity with the rules governing the kingdom, only the personnel of each group is reduced.
Clothing worn by the participants, also with the provisions of customary
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