Sabtu, 03 September 2011

Learning from one case, Case Century, Not House Fire in Middle Village

Learning from one case, Case Century, Not House Fire in Middle Village ..!
OPINION | September 3, 2011 | 14:55 21 0 Nil

Listening to the news floodgates Buaran, Kalimalang, East Jakarta who breached, the 250 thousand subscribers to receive the effects of water PT Palyja not receiving clean water again. It reminds me of Cases Century (the old wounds of the people ..!). I noticed that time, many people who nodded a nod to the information given by the Wa-Pres regarding the above, they think it makes sense. But, for those who know the banking technique, it is not possible! This issue of the stolen money crowd (sory, rather than purely systemic breached levees above ..) then there is flushing / injection. This can not be likened to a house fire, then there is a rescue from a house fire to save others and the whole village / town ..! I further agree to call it a "Vessel Related" (giant torane Drinking Water Company, as Palyja earlier), the water is sucked up by force by a family (individuals) until exhausted. Water companies are responsible for supplying the needs of other residents, but that does not mean no responsibility for anyone who suck .. ! then investigate, to which the responsibility of supervisors flow! and who took the decision to pour .. ! That is what is called in the banking world as the "Call Money", or borrowing between banks.

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