Arung Palakka (born in Lamatta, Mario-ri Wawo, Soppeng, 15 September 1634 - died in Bontoala, 6 April 1696 at age 61 years) was the sultan of the Sultanate of Bone tahun1672 until 1696. While still a prince, he led his kingdom in achieving the independence of the Sultanate of Gowa in 1660's. He worked with Belandadalam seize Makassar. Palakka bring the Bugis a great maritime power in cooperation with the Netherlands and dominate the region for nearly a century.Arung Palakka titled La Tan-ri Tatta To 'Urong To-ri Sompi Patta Malampei Gammana Daeng Serang To' Appatunru Paduka Sri Sultan Sa'ad ud-din (spelling above refers to the spelling lontara; the correct pronunciation is "La Tenritatta To To-ri Ureng SompaE Petta MalampeE Gemme'na Daeng Serang To 'Appatunru Majesty Sultan Sa'adduddin ") [MatinroE-ri Bontowala], Arumpone Bone.tanah_bangkalae.jpgHistory records that the Bone is one of the great kingdoms in the archipelago in the past. Kingdom of Bone in the historical record established by ManurungngE Rimatajang in 1330, reached its peak during the reign Latenritatta Towappatunru Daeng Serang Riwawo Aru Palakka Datu Mario Petta Malampee Gemmekna Torisompae Matinroe Bontoala ri, mid-17th century (A. Sultan Kasim, 2002) . Bone is the greatness of the kingdom can provide lessons and wisdom sufficient for the Bone is currently doing to address the dynamics of development and social changes, economic changes, shifts in culture and in the face of a global trend.Learn and take lessons from the history of the kingdom of Bone in the past at least there are three things that are fundamental to actualized and revived because it has a rapprochement with the needs of Bone in an effort to organize the community toward a better life.These three issues are:
First, the lessons and wisdom in politics and governance. In conjunction with this field, the system in the past royal Bone upholds the sovereignty of the people or in terms of modern politics is known as democracy. This is evidenced by the application of the representation of interests of the people through their representative institutions within the council called "ade pitue", ie seven custom officials who act as advisers of the king. Everything that happens in the kingdom of deliberation by ade pitue deliberations and the decision conveyed to the king to be implemented.Also in penyelanggaraan government is promoting the principles of humanity and deliberation. This principle is derived from the messaging Bone Kajaolaliddong a clever scholar who lived in 1507-1586 who had submitted to the King of Bone as proposed by Wiwiek P. Yoesoep (1982: 10) that there are four factors that raise the kingdom, namely:
1. Seuwani, Temmatinroi matanna Whitewater MangkauE mitai munrinna gauE (King's eyes were closed not due to any act of thinking).
2. Maduanna, Maccapi Whitewater MangkauE duppai there '(the King must be smart to answer the words).
3. Matellunna, Maccapi Whitewater MangkauE mpinru there '(the King must be smart to make the words or the answer).
4. Maeppa'na, there mpawa surona Tettakalupai tongeng (Duta not forget to convey the correct words).
Kajaolaliddong message, among others can be interpreted into a deep meaning for a king how important feelings, thoughts and will of the people understood and addressed.
Second, the lessons and wisdom from the history of Bone lies in cooperation with the view that putting another area, and approach to diplomacy as an important part of efforts to build the country for the better.The urgency of such a view seems apparent when we trace the peaks of glory Bone in the past.And as a monumental form of this view is known in the history of the covenant and the pledge with the kingdom of Bone, who gave birth Wajo and Soppeng TELLUM POCCOE or by another name "Ri LaMumpatue Timurung" intended as an effort to strengthen the royal position in the face of challenges from the outside.
Then the third lesson and lessons learned from the history of the kingdom of Bone is a rich cultural heritage with a message. Messages that reflect the humanity of human intelligence Bone in the past.kirab.jpgBone royal processionMany references that can be gleaned from the quintessence of Islam in the face of life, the challenge of development and in the face of the changes more quickly. But most important is that the spirit of religiosity Bone people can answer with the times with all forms of change and dynamics. Similarly (district Bone) possessed great potential, which can be utilized for development for the prosperity of the people. The potential is quite diverse as agriculture, plantations, marine, tourism and other potentials.Similarly, people with diverse backgrounds and educational experiences can be developed and utilized to encourage the implementation of Bone development itself. Although Bone has a history and cultural heritage that is sufficient, the potential of natural resources and human resources support, but it should be underlined if the current and future developments for Bone will deal with various changes and development challenges are quite heavy. Therefore we need thoughts, ideas and proper planning in organizing the historical heritage, cultural richness, and its potential into a governance and development.
Bone BONE formerly called LAND. Based LONTARAK that the original name of the Boneis SAND, in the Bugis language called Bone is KESSI (sand). From this originproposal so called BONE. The sand dunes are referred to the Bone regionThe building is actually the location of the Grand Mosque is now located right in the Heart of the CityCapital District Watampone Bone Bukaka precisely in the Village.Regency Bone is a large kingdom in South Sulawesi, which sincethe ManurungngE Ri Matajang XIV century or early in the year 1330.Ri ManurungngE Matajang EYE SILOMPO'E title as King of Bone Firstreigned in the Year 1330 to 1365. Derivatives are replaced next fallTo the generations until the end of H. ANDI MAPPANYUKKI as King Bone to - 32 and to- Among the 34 - 34 People. The king who has reigned as King of Bone with a degreeMANGKAU, there are 7 (seven) for Women.Governance structure comprises first the kingdom of Bone:• whitewater PONE (King Bone) holds MANGKAU• MAKKEDANGNGE LAND (Served in a relationship / affair withOther kingdoms (Foreign Minister)• TOMARILALENG (Served in the Field of affairs in the Kingdom of the other(Meteri in the Country)• ADE Pitu (Hadat Seven)Consisting of Seven, an Assistant President / ChiefGovernance in the Kingdom of Bone, respectively:1. Whitewater ENDSIn charge of Information Affairs of the Kingdom of Bone.2. Whitewater PONCENGIn charge of Police Affairs / Attorney and Pemerintaha.3. Whitewater T A 'In charge of Education, and chaired the case AffairsCivil.4. Whitewater TIBOJONGAffairs in charge matters / Court landschap / badat largeand supervise the affairs of the District Court case / small badat.5. Whitewater Tanete RIATTANGCash held in charge of the Kingdom, set the taxand Financial Oversight.6. Whitewater Tanete RIAWANGIn charge of State Employment (landschap Werken-LW) TaxRoads and Supervisory Opzichter.7. Whitewater MACEGEIn charge of Economic Affairs and Public Administration.• Ponggawa (Warlord) Served in the field of DefenceBone kingdom with supervising 3 (three) each device:1. ANREGURU ANAKARUNGCharge of coordinating the royal children are 40 (Forty)people served as the kingdom's elite troops.2. PANGULU JOACharge of coordinating the forces of the people called Tana BonePassiuno means: troops ready for combat on the battlefield at any time; willingsoul sacrifice his body for the sake of the Kingdom of Bone disordersOther kingdoms.3. DULUNG (Regional Commander)Subordinate in charge of coordinating the kingdom, the Kingdom of Bonethere are 2 (two) Dulung (Regional Commander) of the Dulungna AjangaleBone area of North and Dulungna Awang Tangka of Southern Bone.• JENNANG (Supervisory)Oversee the functioning of the Officers in charge of monitoring bothin court circles, as well as with regional / subordinate kingdom.• KADHI (Ulama) device consists of the Imam Khatib, BilalAnd others, served as the prince of Personality in Islamic Religious Affairs,The existence of Kadhi (Ulama) in the Kingdom of the Bone is constantly working together forwell-being of the people, even the King of Bone (Mangkau) ask to FatwaKadhi especially in relation to Islamic law.• bissu (Transvestite) SWINGS treating objects - objects KingdomIn addition to carrying out traditional medicine, also served in theSeuuwaE belief in Gods. After the entry of Islam inBone kingdom, bissu position in non-disabled.Time kept rolling in 1905 the Kingdom of Bone controlled by invadersNetherlands. Then with the approval of the Board of Ade PituE Ri Bone LALENG name BATAas the capital of the Kingdom of Bone renamed Watampone until now.On December 2, 1905 by the Dutch government in Jakarta provides thatAs for the notion TELLUMPOCCOE (Tri Alliance) in South Sulawesi are: Bone, Wajoand Soppeng. United in a single system of government called Afdeling.Where Afdeling Bone is divided into 3 (three) parts with the name of each Onder Afdeling:1. Onder Afdeling North Bone Mother Pompanua The city, capital ofAfdeling was occupied by the Resident Assistant.2. Onder Afdeling Mom Central Bone in His town WatamponeCommand by Controler.3. Onder Afdeling Southern Bone capital city was ruled by MareControler aspirants.In 1944 when Japanese soldiers increasingly pressured by the Allies, Japantrying to invite people to defend their homeland. If in Java andOther regions are formed by a container to gather the people to achieveIndependence, then in Tana Bone formed an organization known as theBROTHERS OF THE BLOOD SOURCE stands.YOU are formed is a preparation of Board approvalreal fight to prevent re-colonization of Dutch in Indonesia.Regency Bone after the escape of the Government of the Kingdom, until nowrecorded 13 (thirteen) Regional Head was given the trust to expand the mandateBone regency administration in each:1. Andi Prince Petta RaniAfdeling Head / Regional Head of 1951 up to March 191955.2. Ma'mun Daeng MattiroRegional Head dated March 19, 1955 until December 21, 1957.3. H. Andi MappanyukkiRegional Head / King Bone dated December 21, 1957 to 21 in 1960.4. Kol. H. Andi SuradiRegional heads of 21 M ei l960 until August 1, 1966.5. Andi Baso AmirKapala Region Date March 2, 1967 to August 18, 1970.6. Kol. H. SuaibRegent Regional 18 - 08-1970 until July 13, 1977.7. Kol.H.P.B.HarahapRegent Regional dated July 13, 1977 until 22 February 1982.8. Kol.H.A.Made AliePGS Regent Regional dated 22 February 1982 to 6 April 1982 untilby March 28, 1983.9. Kol.H.Andi Syamsul AlamRegent Regional on March 28, 1983 until April 6, 1988.10. Sjamsul Kol.H.Andi NatureRegent Regional dated April 6, 1988 until 17 April l993.11. Kol. Andi Amir H.
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